Friday, April 29, 2011

Class 6: Sensuality

Apollo Sauroktonos, 350 BCE

Donatello, David, 1430

Michelangelo, Bacchus, 1496

Caravaggio, Bacchus, 1590

Velazquez, Triumph of Bacchus, 1629

Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1485

Boucher, Diana Bathing, 1742

Renoir, Seated Bather in a Landscape, 1895-1900

Velazques, Rokeby Venus, 1649

Ingres, Grande Odalisque, 1814

Degas, Bather Washing her Back, 1901

Matisse Back I,II,III, IV, 1908-31

Hermaphrodite, 150-100 BC

After Leonardo Da Vinci, Leda and the Swan, 1530

After Michelangelo, Leda and the Swan, 1530

Correggio, Leda and the Swan, 1525

Titian, Danae, 1554

Rembrandt, Danae, 1636

Giorgione, Sleeping Venus, 1510

Titian, Venus of Urbino, before 1538

Manet, Olympia, 1863

Giorgione/Titian, Concert Champetre, 1508

Picasso, Nude on a Black Couch, March, 1932

Picasso, Reclining Nude, April, 1932

Rembrandt, Bathsheba, 1654

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Class 5: Pathos

Poussin, Death of Germanicus, 1630

David, Oath of the Horatii, 1784

Achille Funi, Publius Horatius Murders His Sister, 1932

Botticelli, Lamentation Over the Dead Christ with St Jerome, St Paul and St Peter, 1490

Raphael, The Entombment, 1507

Caravaggio, The Entombment, 1602

Michelangelo, St Peter's Pieta

Head of Christ

Head of Mary

Michelangelo, Florence Pieta, 1550

Michelangelo, Milan Pieta, 1552-64

Titian, Pieta, 1576

Marsyas, Greek 3rd century BCE, Roman copy

Michelangelo, Crucifixion, 1556

Michelangelo, Captive, Tomb of Julius II, 1519-36

Michelangelo, Fall of Phaeton, 1533

Simone Mosca, Fall of Phaeton, 1550
Rubens, Fall of Phaeton, 1636

OdileRedon, 1910

Old Boxer, Roman, 100-150 CE

Old Fisherman, Greek, 200 BCE, Roman copy

Rubens, Death of  Seneca, 1608

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Old Market Woman, Greek ca 200 BCE, Roman copy
Donatello, Penitent Magdalen, 1453

Rembrandt, Susannah and the Elders, 1634
Rubens, The Consequences of War, 1638

Poussin, Massacre of the Innocents, 1630

Francis Bacon, Painting, 1950

Picasso, Guernica, 1937